Tuesday, September 27, 2011


  Star wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith stars Ewan Mc Gregor,Hayden Christensen,Natalie Portman,Ian Mc Diarmid,Frank Oz,Samuel L. Jackson and Christopher Lee.   The plot of the movie is Anakin and Obi-wan are sent to rescue Chancellor Palpatine who is being held by General Grievous.  Once they are back on Coruscant Anakin begins to be troubled by visions of his wife padme dying in childbirth. Anakin seeks Palpatin's help and is told of a way to save her if he turns to the dark side.   The cast all give good performances even Hayden Christensen seems to have improved from Attack of the Clones.  The story is much darker this time and thankfully there are no stupid love scenes to slow the movie down.   If there was one flaw with the movie it is like I stated before much darker then any of the other films so you mint not want your young kids watching it alone.  4 out of 5 stars for Star wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith.  I hope you enjoyed my review and I hope it helped you decide weather to see the movie or not.  

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