Monday, September 5, 2011


  Final Destination 5 fallows Sam Lawton played by Nicholas D'Agosto who has a premonition of a bridge collapsing he is able to save himself and his friends but then death comes after them.  I liked the first Final Destination film I thought it had a really cool concept and I also liked the 2nd and 3rd films and hated the 4th.    Going into Final Destination 5 I was really not that exited for it and it turned out to be not that bad.   This one is in 3D and it was some of the best 3D I have ever seen. Some of the deaths in this one are vary creative and this time they throw in a twist that makes it more interesting. I also really liked the ending .    The worst parts about this movie were the acting and the characters you hate them and can't wait for them to die.  I hope this is the final Final Destination.   3 out of 5 stars for Final Destination 5. I hope you enjoyed my review and I hope it helped you decide weather to see the movie or not.

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